
Product code: 2431180Description
The C&O’s F-19 class of Pacifics proved that beautycould take many forms. While USRA Pacifics are highlyregarded for their simplicity, the F-19 was anythingbut! With a front end cluttered with air pumps anda feedwater heater, the C&O shop forces had toimprovise when it came to adorning the class forspecial premier assignments. But they did! Wearingeagles or silhouettes on the water heaters, polishedcompressor and cylinder head covers with stars andkept in high polish, the F-19s made a spectacularappearance worthy of Chessie’s finest trains.The class left a lasting impression despite being only5 locomotives large and lasting in service from only1926-1946 when they were rebuilt as 4-6-4s. The F-19shelped to inaugurate the Sportsman in 1930 and thenew premier George Washington in 1932. Ironically,their most adorned and memorable years coincidedwith the Great Depression - a testimony to the strengthof pride kept in the C&O shops and commitment tofirst-class passenger service by management even inthe worst of times.Available from Lionel for the first time since 2007 andnow updated with LEGACY, Bluetooth and Whistlesteam amongst all our other now-standard features,this locomotive is making a long-overdue return tothe spotlight. We’ve created multiple variations tocapture the majority of changes the locomotives sawin their 20-year careers - more variations than therewere locomotives in the class! We’ve also included afew fantasy locomotives as well. From the high glossapplied to these locomotives, the shine off the boiler inmany early photos seems to suggest they were paintedgray. They weren’t as far as we know but it looked likea pretty neat variation so we’re offering it here! C&Oand PM had swapped other classes of Pacifics and theyalso acquired some from the RF&P so those seemed likereasonable “what ifs” as well. The F-19 steps up to fill thehigh demand we’ve had for matching steam power forthe Sleigh Bell Limited! Addsome Presidential power to your roster this year withthese beautifully unique Pacifics!
LEGACY® Control System equipped – able to run in LEGACY® Control mode, in TrainMaster Command Control mode, or in Conventional mode with a standard transformer
Bluetooth® Control - Operate with Universal Remote or LionChief® App
Lionel Voice Control (LVC) - run your locomotive by speaking commands into your phone via LionChief® App
Odyssey® II Speed Control
IR Transmitter that works with LCS SensorTrack™
Powerful maintenance-free motor with momentum flywheel
Wireless Tether™ connection between locomotive and tender
ElectroCoupler™ on rear of tender
Whistle steam
Directional lighting including operating headlight and back-up light on rear of tender
Bicolor illuminated classification lights on the front of locomotive where applicable. Using a Legacy controller, change the color of the classification lights between white or green
Traction tires
Interior illumination in cab
Die-cast metal locomotive body, pilot, and trucks
Die-cast metal tender body and trucks
High level of separately applied metal details
Separately applied builder’s plate
Synchronized fan-driven smoke unit
Adjustable smoke output
Authentically detailed cab interior
Cab “glass” windows
Engineer and fireman figures
LEGACY® RailSounds® sound system featuring:
CrewTalk™ dialog with different scenarios depending on whether the locomotive is in motion or stopped
TrainSounds that mimic operating dialog when the locomotive is in motion or stopped
Six official railroad speeds with CrewTalk dialog
DynaChuff™ synchronized with 32 levels of intensity as the locomotive gains speed
LEGACY® “Real-Time Quilling Whistle” control with instant response for realistic signature “quilling” and correctly timed warning signals - 5 different whistles to choose from for a more customized experience.
Single hit or continuous mechanical bell sounds - 5 levels of bell pitching for customized sounds
Sequence Control: plays the sound effects of an entire trip, including warning sounds and announcements, based on the movement and speed of the locomotive
Current speed and fuel dialog, coal or oil loading sound effects
Product Specifications:
Gauge: O Gauge icon
Dimensions: Length: 26"
Minimum Curve: O54 icon
Road Name: Pere Marquette
Road Number: 730
The C&O’s F-19 class of Pacifics proved that beautycould take many forms. While USRA Pacifics are highlyregarded for their simplicity, the F-19 was anythingbut! With a front end cluttered with air pumps anda feedwater heater, the C&O shop forces had toimprovise when it came to adorning the class forspecial premier assignments. But they did! Wearingeagles or silhouettes on the water heaters, polishedcompressor and cylinder head covers with stars andkept in high polish, the F-19s made a spectacularappearance worthy of Chessie’s finest trains.The class left a lasting impression despite being only5 locomotives large and lasting in service from only1926-1946 when they were rebuilt as 4-6-4s. The F-19shelped to inaugurate the Sportsman in 1930 and thenew premier George Washington in 1932. Ironically,their most adorned and memorable years coincidedwith the Great Depression - a testimony to the strengthof pride kept in the C&O shops and commitment tofirst-class passenger service by management even inthe worst of times.Available from Lionel for the first time since 2007 andnow updated with LEGACY, Bluetooth and Whistlesteam amongst all our other now-standard features,this locomotive is making a long-overdue return tothe spotlight. We’ve created multiple variations tocapture the majority of changes the locomotives sawin their 20-year careers - more variations than therewere locomotives in the class! We’ve also included afew fantasy locomotives as well. From the high glossapplied to these locomotives, the shine off the boiler inmany early photos seems to suggest they were paintedgray. They weren’t as far as we know but it looked likea pretty neat variation so we’re offering it here! C&Oand PM had swapped other classes of Pacifics and theyalso acquired some from the RF&P so those seemed likereasonable “what ifs” as well. The F-19 steps up to fill thehigh demand we’ve had for matching steam power forthe Sleigh Bell Limited! Addsome Presidential power to your roster this year withthese beautifully unique Pacifics!
LEGACY® Control System equipped – able to run in LEGACY® Control mode, in TrainMaster Command Control mode, or in Conventional mode with a standard transformer
Bluetooth® Control - Operate with Universal Remote or LionChief® App
Lionel Voice Control (LVC) - run your locomotive by speaking commands into your phone via LionChief® App
Odyssey® II Speed Control
IR Transmitter that works with LCS SensorTrack™
Powerful maintenance-free motor with momentum flywheel
Wireless Tether™ connection between locomotive and tender
ElectroCoupler™ on rear of tender
Whistle steam
Directional lighting including operating headlight and back-up light on rear of tender
Bicolor illuminated classification lights on the front of locomotive where applicable. Using a Legacy controller, change the color of the classification lights between white or green
Traction tires
Interior illumination in cab
Die-cast metal locomotive body, pilot, and trucks
Die-cast metal tender body and trucks
High level of separately applied metal details
Separately applied builder’s plate
Synchronized fan-driven smoke unit
Adjustable smoke output
Authentically detailed cab interior
Cab “glass” windows
Engineer and fireman figures
LEGACY® RailSounds® sound system featuring:
CrewTalk™ dialog with different scenarios depending on whether the locomotive is in motion or stopped
TrainSounds that mimic operating dialog when the locomotive is in motion or stopped
Six official railroad speeds with CrewTalk dialog
DynaChuff™ synchronized with 32 levels of intensity as the locomotive gains speed
LEGACY® “Real-Time Quilling Whistle” control with instant response for realistic signature “quilling” and correctly timed warning signals - 5 different whistles to choose from for a more customized experience.
Single hit or continuous mechanical bell sounds - 5 levels of bell pitching for customized sounds
Sequence Control: plays the sound effects of an entire trip, including warning sounds and announcements, based on the movement and speed of the locomotive
Current speed and fuel dialog, coal or oil loading sound effects
Product Specifications:
Gauge: O Gauge icon
Dimensions: Length: 26"
Minimum Curve: O54 icon
Road Name: Pere Marquette
Road Number: 730
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